Published On : 17/Apr/2024 08:59:51 AM

Dr. Bhushan Chittawadgi is an Advanced Laparoscopic, Gastro, and GI Cancer Surgeon at HOSMAT Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka. He is one of the best laparoscopic surgeons in Bengaluru, Karnataka. He is specialized in Laparoscopic hernia surgery, Gall bladder stone, Obesity, liver and pancreas diseases, GI surgery, Piles, Breast & Thyroid diseases. Dr.Bhushan’s career has combined research, education, and clinical care. Dr Bhushan is the best liver transpant surgeron Dr. Bhushan has extensive experience with new technologies with a special interest in Advanced Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic Surgery including robotic surgery, laser surgery & utilizes technology to benefit his patients so they may enjoy life better.