Children and Nature Network is committed to the belief that nature makes kids healthier, happier and smarter. Join us!About Events Support Contact Us SEARCH TRAILHEADYouth Families Schools Cities Resource Hub Finding Nature NewsThere’s no app for thisWe believe that nature makes kidshealthier, happier and smarterKids won’t remember theirbest day of YouTubeWe believe that nature makes kidshealthier, happier and smarterEvery child deservesto see the starsWe believe that nature makes kidshealthier, happier and smarterMore green, less screenWe believe that nature makes kidshealthier, happier and smarter2023 CONFERENCEJoin us June 12-15in ColoradoLEARN MOREJOINThe global community ofchildren and nature leadersJOIN NOWSTORIES & NEWSfrom childrenand nature leadersEXPLOREREGULAR TIME OUTDOORS HELPS CHILDREN THRIVE.But over the past few generations, childhood has moved indoors. On average, today’s kids spend up to 44 hours per week in front of a screen, and less than 10 minutes a day playing outdoors. And for too many kids, regular and safe access to nature is determined by race, income, identity, ability and postal code.We support a global movement of leaders working to turn the trend of an indoor childhood back out to the benefits of nature — and to make sure that all children have equitable access to outdoor spaces where they can learn, play and grow.Global Lessons on Greening School Grounds & Outdoor Learning2021 Annual ReportNature helps children recover from Adverse Childhood ExperiencesSave with early bird registration and submit presentation proposals nowStumps, jumps and tree cookies: Bringing nature’s benefits to young children in citiesSTAY INSPIRED: SubscribeEach week, Finding Nature News will connect you to fresh stories, news, resources and research from the children and nature movement around the world.Bot Spam Checker, Don’t Fill OutFINDING NATURE: Stories from the FieldPreviousNextThe Equigenic EffectCHILDREN & NATURE NETWORKBeautiful people on a beautiful planetRUTH WILSONCollaboration by natureCHRIS NISKANENThe Natural Leaders EffectCJ GOULDINGFalling in love with nature through journalingFIONA CLARE GILLOGLYInvestments in nature are a win-win for communities recovering from COVID-19DR. HANAA HAMDIThe Equigenic EffectCHILDREN & NATURE NETWORKBeautiful people on a beautiful planetRUTH WILSONCollaboration by natureCHRIS NISKANENThe Natural Leaders EffectCJ GOULDINGFalling in love with nature through journalingFIONA CLARE GILLOGLYInvestments in nature are a win-win for communities recovering from COVID-19DR. HANAA HAMDIThe Equigenic EffectCHILDREN & NATURE NETWORKBeautiful people on a beautiful planetRUTH WILSONPassion is lifted from the earth itself by the muddy hands of the young; it travels along grass-stained sleeves to the heart. If we are going to save environmentalism and the environment, we must also save an endangered indicator species: the child in nature.RICHARD LOUV, Author and Co-founderSUPPORT OUR WORKHelp us make sure that all children live, learn and grow with nature in their daily lives.DONATE SUPPORT OUR WORKOur work is made possible by members like you & with major support from:Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn EnglishSTAY INSPIRED: SubscribeBot Spam Checker, Don't Fill OutYouthFamiliesSchoolsCitiesResource HubFinding Nature NewsAboutEventsConferenceDonateMembershipContact UsSearchJOIN THE TRAILHEADChildren & Nature Network1611 County Road B West, Suite 315Saint Paul, MN 55113© Children & Nature Network, All Rights Reserved.Privacy PolicyTerms of UseDisclaimer